The Obvious Police would like to present you with the following evidence that one Mr. Edward Cullen is less dreamy than he is a total creepster. Yes, we know that you are 17 years old and that you have both limited exposure to and romantic-comedy and faerie-tale fueled high expectations of males in general, but it is high time that you got a clue. So here are a few.
He makes like he's gonna vomit when he looks at you. And not in a cute, "Awww, he's just nervous around his crush!" kind of way. In a creepy, loathsome, just-walked-off-the-gravitron-and-not-keeping-down-the-zeppolis kind of way.
Kinda like this:
Only more violent and hostile, as you say on page 23.
"He stared at me again, meeting my eyes with the strangest expression on his face - it was hostile, furious."
See, hostile? And before that you note
"Just as I passed, he suddenly went rigid in his seat."
Oh, well, ahem, that's normal for guys his age. You oughta know that, being such a little bio wiz. Disregard that reason.
According to our records, the situation escalated when Edward first began speaking with you. Because he would say crap like this:
Page 74:
"I'm being very rude, I know. But it's better this way, really."
And the most ominous of all, Page 73.
Heaven knows I keep trying....
ReplyDelete....to post a comment, that is...
Are you REALLY a curmudgeon?
I guess I must assume some of the blame...
Well, NO WONDER this book is such a hit with 'tween girls, when it includes such awesome chemical reactions as the Krebs cycle.
ReplyDeleteI really, really hope you drew that nauseous cartoon doodle up there yourself, Captain.