Monday, June 22, 2009
Buffy vs. Edward
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Twilight Review:He's a super-creep! Super-creep! He's super-creepy, yeow

The Obvious Police would like to present you with the following evidence that one Mr. Edward Cullen is less dreamy than he is a total creepster. Yes, we know that you are 17 years old and that you have both limited exposure to and romantic-comedy and faerie-tale fueled high expectations of males in general, but it is high time that you got a clue. So here are a few.
He makes like he's gonna vomit when he looks at you. And not in a cute, "Awww, he's just nervous around his crush!" kind of way. In a creepy, loathsome, just-walked-off-the-gravitron-and-not-keeping-down-the-zeppolis kind of way.
Kinda like this:
Only more violent and hostile, as you say on page 23.
"He stared at me again, meeting my eyes with the strangest expression on his face - it was hostile, furious."
See, hostile? And before that you note
"Just as I passed, he suddenly went rigid in his seat."
Oh, well, ahem, that's normal for guys his age. You oughta know that, being such a little bio wiz. Disregard that reason.
According to our records, the situation escalated when Edward first began speaking with you. Because he would say crap like this:
Page 74:
"I'm being very rude, I know. But it's better this way, really."
And the most ominous of all, Page 73.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Twilight Review: Toothiness

So let's look at some of Bella's conflicting descriptions of the aforementioned broody vamp (look, even though we don't know he's a vampire at this point in the book, I'm not going to pretend I haven't existed in the world for the past couple of years).
Page 44: "I looked up to see him smiling a crooked smile so beautiful that I could only stare at him like an idiot."
Ok, so he's got crooked teeth? A crooked mouth? Not without its charm, we all knew that guy. Let's move forward. To when Edward is starting to display some more signs of either manic depression or extreme jerk-itude (next posting) and is all like "Oh, I can read everyone, but I CAN'T READ YOU!"(page 50)
" "You must be a good reader then," I replied.
"Usually." He smiled widely, flashing a set of perfect, ultrawhite teeth."
So which is it, Bella? He went from believably flawed to creepy colgate-boy in 6 pages. You are not helping me. And his creepy morphing vamp-eyes don't help. For crying out loud, if I didn't know better, I'd think she was falling for some long-lost member of the X-men, with super strength, chameleon skin, and excessive smugness. (I've stopped counting how many times Meyers uses a form of the word 'smug.')
I must confess, though, I am finding this experience hilarious and enjoyable, and admit to being sucked in by the story.
Next post, Edward's increasing creepiness, Bio class hilarity, and missed opportunities for Bella to just punch this guy in the face.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Twilight Review - Chapters 1 and 2
Oh where to begin...
At the insistence of everybody I know (with the caveat by adult recommenders that this book is rather poorly written, but addictive nonetheless) I picked up twilight. Actually, my boyfriend picked it up for me at Midtown Comics. First off, props to Stephenie Meyer for the guts and imagination to complete the whole task, and congrats on the crazy success of the franchise (even if she does have a mysterious "e" in her name instead of an "a"). That said, let the slaying begin.
Ahem, whoops, I didn't even mean to make a Buffy joke there, it just happened, really.
Ok, I'm not doing spoiler tags. Everything on this blog will be Spoiler-ish, so really, why bother?
Oh, Bella. Bella, Bella, Bella. You really want the readers to know you're different, don't you? You're such a troubled little heroine, exiling yourself to Forks, being pale (foreshadowing!) and so BORED with all your assignments because you're in the accelerated track and have already read like, every book in existence. For example, page 15.
"I kept my eyes down on the reading list the teacher had given me. It was fairly basic: Bronte, Shakespeare, Chaucer, Faulkner. I'd already read everything."
Seriously? Bronte and Shakespeare, ok. I feel like that's standard AP or senior elective literary stuff. But Chaucer and Faulkner? FAULKNER? Yeah, all high school sophomores (or is she a junior?) freaking LOVE to dissect the troubled journey of Joe Christmas. And maybe it's just jealousy that I haven't actually gotten around to reading Faulkner at the ripe old age of 28, but that sentence made me scream. Or maybe my high school education was just so mediocre that I can't possibly understand. (Except my high school produced one Ms. Sonia Sotomayor, so take that!) Also, I love how that last sentence doesn't restrict itself to the possibility that she's read everything on the list, or everything by those four literary pillars. Bella quite possibly has read everything ever written. Let's look at her ill-fated journey to the Forks library on page 38.
"I did drive to the library Saturday, but it was so poorly stocked that I didn't bother to get a card; I would have to make a date to visit Olympia or Seattle soon to find a bookstore."
Oh boohoo. See? She has read everything. Why bother going to Seattle, then? Maybe to go write some crybaby rock.
Ok, that concludes my post on Bella and books, a fitting start I believe to a blog about books. Next post: Bella and her flip-flopping on Edward's teeth.
I'm just sayin'...
I do not intend to be taken seriously as a literary critic, just as a kvetch.
On to the first book. So yeah, Twilight...