This picture represents how I feel - the internal struggle over this damn book. I didn't realize what I was getting into when I picked it up, or how busy my summer would be between writing class all through July, and not being in the Bronx for various weeks throughout the summer and the latter half of August really (and not wanting to lug around a 2-ton book aimed primarily at swoony teenage girls when I am trying desparately to be a grown up).
And you wanna know why? This, on page 292:
Edward: "I was curious about you."
Bella: "You spied on me?" But somehow I couldn't infuse my voice with the proper outrage. I was flattered.
Ok, for like a second, I wanted to give Meyers credit for using the word "infuse" when writing dialogue with a vampire, like hahaha how cute, blood, infuse, blah blah blah...but then I realized that probably wasn't so much clever dialogue as a subconscious intrusion of a word-of-the-day from her desk calendar.
FLATTERED? Seriously, Bella? Let me back up this little bit of dialogue here: He had opened the door using a key that she had hidden (and never shown him) because he had watched her use it. I hate to use all caps, but I must express my outrage: STALKING IS NOT CUTE. It is not dreamy, it is not sexy, it is not even quirky. It is generally frowned-upon in society, and even illegal in many places. It is CREEPY. And I'm sorry, whenever I picture Edward, thanks to the movie industry, I picture this guy:
And yeah, maybe for some little girls, being stalked by this guy sounds awesome, but I worry about the future of feminism for this and many other reasons (Jessica Simpson, I'm looking in your direction.)
Oh it gets better. Or worse, really:
Bella: "How often did you come here?"
Edward the uber-creep: "I come here every night."
Bella: "Why?"
Edward VonCreepenstein: "You're interesting when you sleep."
Dear reader, this was the breaking point for me. I simply could not stand either of them anymore. This is horrible, but upon reading those words, I just wanted both of them to die already. And I don't feel good about that.
So I will never finish the book. And I will not read the sequels (that my dear friend, K, has so lovingly loaned to me.) I'm sorry to be such a book-tease to the 7 people that read this blog, as I have not updated all summer (see ridonkulous, but blessed busyness referenced above) but I simply cannot put myself through this madness anymore. I'm sorry.
I will certainly continue to read books that provoke me - I've been reading the Sookie Stackhouse mysteries to complement my True Blood fanaticism (see, I obviously have nothing against vampires, especially when the authors and show creators are careful to portray their dangerous behavior as DANGEROUS and not cutesy) and I love them. I'll be starting grad class next week, so will have tons of reading to do, so maybe this blog will take a different turn. But for now, my tryst with Twilight is over - I hereby abandon it. I tried, peeps, I really tried. But I just couldn't stick it out.